Jardins d’Allemagne : transferts, théories, imaginaires by Hildergard HABERL and Anne-Marie PAILHES – Château de Bénouville

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Jardins d’Allemagne : transferts, théories, imaginaires by Hildergard HABERL and Anne-Marie PAILHES – Château de Bénouville

German gardens: transfers, theories, imaginary

Over recent years, in Germany, as in France, gardens have aroused increased interest among the public and the scientific community which has initiated a number of actions and analyses in the varied fields of history of art, literature, sociology, ecology, anthropology and architecture.  Whilst the two predominant models – the French formal garden and the English landscaped garden – offer abounding sources of reflection on the subject, German gardens remain relatively unknown in France. Our aim is to launch a reflection on the theme of gardens from a Germanic viewpoint with an accent both on the political history of German gardens from the late 18th to the 21st century, their role in day-to-day life and their importance as a form of expression of German-speaking culture, from the Goethean garden to modern literature, from the gardener’s manual to the television serial.

Hildegard Haberl


Hildegard Haberl is a lecturer at Caen University in Lower Normandy and a member of the ERLIS research group. She is the author of the thesis entitled “Écriture encyclopédique – écriture romanesque. Représentations et critique du savoir dans le roman allemand et français de Goethe à Flaubert” (Encyclopaedic writing – romantic writing. Critical representations of knowledge in German and French novels from Goethe to Flaubert) (EHESS and University of Vienna) in which she focuses on gardens in Elective Affinities (Goethe) and Bouvard et Pécuchet (Flaubert). Her research focuses on compared literature, the relationship between literature and knowledge (epistemocriticism), literature and cultural science (Kulturwissenschaften) from the 18th to the 20th century.

Anne-Marie Pailhès 


Anne-Marie Pailhès is a lecturer at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre. She is in charge of the German-speaking study and research centre (Nanterre). Her research themes include: Political and cultural change in the GDR then in East Germany, ecology, the environment, gardening allotments and alternative forms of life.

Further reading :
Jardins d’Allemagne : transferts, théories, imaginaires, Editions Honoré Champion, 2014