Côté jardin : Histoire(s) et représentations des jardins de la Méditerranée – Ventimiglia (Italy)

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Côté jardin : Histoire(s) et représentations des jardins de la Méditerranée – Ventimiglia (Italy)

In the garden: (Hi)story and representations of Mediterranean gardens

The University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, member of the University of the Côte d’Azur, and the University of Genoa are organising their first international and pluridisciplinary colloquium on the history and representations of Mediterranean gardens in philosophy and the arts. The colloquium will cover two themes. The first theme will essentially be devoted to ‘The gardens of Italy, the East and the West’, and will aim to compare the history, written documents and images that define the garden area by following the geographical coordinates and the cultural variables that have characterised the Mediterranean Sea from the 16th century to the present day. The second theme will focus on the theme of ‘Gardens and deceptions’, and will aim at studying the meaning of the garden as a paradigmatic area of spiritual and/or sensual fulfilment and of lapses from virtue, based on the Biblical archetype of the Garden of Eden to the present day.


Jardin botanique Hanbury
Corso Montecarlo, 43
La Mortola
1839 Vintimille

