Paradis privés : les jardins de Russell Page en Normandie by Eric HASKELL – Château de Bénouville

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Paradis privés : les jardins de Russell Page en Normandie by Eric HASKELL – Château de Bénouville

From formality to fantasy: Russell Page’s private gardens in Normandy

This lecture explores three private gardens in Normandy designed by the famed English landscape architect, Russell Page, who lived in France from 1945 until 1962.  Our inquiry will demonstrate how these gardens mix formality with fantasy in often unexpected ways to achieve memorable effects. Through Page’s work, we will focus on the diverse currents that have influenced garden making in modern times, transfiguring it into a fine art.

Eric Haskell

Eric Haskell

Eric Haskell is a professor in French studies at the Scripps College, Claremont University, California, where he is also director of the Clark Humanities Museum. He also studied history of art and architecture within the context of the higher education programme offered by the UCI and the École du Louvre in Paris. Dr Haskell’s lectures focus on the study of the political and social traditions that have shaped France. He has published around thirty works in English and French on a range of subjects, ranging from 19th century poetry to the history of gardens. In the specific field of the history of gardens and the aesthetics of landscape, Dr Haskell has organised over a dozen exhibitions.

Further reading :
Les Jardins de Brécy: Le Paradis Retrouvé, Editions du Huitième Jour, 2007
Le Nôtre’s Gardens, RAM Publications, 1999