Inventaire des parcs et jardins historiques de Wallonie by Nathalie DE HARLEZ DE DEULIN – Château de Bénouville

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Inventaire des parcs et jardins historiques de Wallonie by Nathalie DE HARLEZ DE DEULIN – Château de Bénouville

Inventory of historic parks and gardens in Wallonia

Nathalie de Harlez de Deulin


Nathalie de Harlez is a garden historian. She qualified in “Historic gardens, heritage and landscape” (National School of Architecture – Versailles) and is currently completing a doctoral thesis on “The art of gardens in the southern Netherlands and the principality of Liege from 1760 to 1830” at the University of Liege. Coordinator of the Inventory of historic parks and gardens of Wallonia (1992-2003), she is the author of a review on the history of historic parks and gardens in Wallonia. She also coordinated preliminary studies for the restoration of the historic gardens of the Villa Medicis in Rome, the Villa Demoiselle in Reims, the Château d’Annevoie and the Château de Freÿr. Finally, she is a specialised “historic gardens” member of the CRMSF (Royal Commission of Monuments, Sites and Excavation) and member of the ICOMOS, the International Council on Monuments and Sites (since 2012).

Further reading :
Parcs et jardins historiques de Wallonie, Institut du patrimoine Wallon, 2008