The tree and you! – Clères (France)

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The tree and you! – Clères (France)

It’s watching that makes the tree…

In partnership with the Normandy Regional Council and the Seine-Maritime Council, the Parc de Clères (Seine-Maritime) will be hosting a one-day conferences devoted to the tree on 5th November. Two themes will be approached: ‘Regards littéraires et artistiques’ (The literary and artistic gaze) and ‘Approches botaniques, techniques, environnementales et paysagères’ (Botanical, technical, environmental and landscaping approaches).
To coordinate these conferences and the round table, we will be delighted to welcome, among others: Eryck de Rubercy, author of La matière des arbres (The matter of trees), François Le Tacon, emeritus research director at the INRAE (National Institute of Agricultural Research), Pierre Rohr, delegate from the ARBRES Remarquables de France association, Pierre-Olivier Drège, president of the Nord Seine Forêt cooperative, the landscape architects Jean-Christophe Goulier from the *CAUE Seine-Maritime and Elsa Quintavalle from the *CAUE Calvados (*consultancy in architecture, urban planning and the environment).