Emilie en son jardin – le parc de Cirey du classicisme au pittoresque – Lunéville (France)

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Emilie en son jardin – le parc de Cirey du classicisme au pittoresque – Lunéville (France)

Emilie in her garden – the Cirey park – from classicism to the picturesque

Conference by Marc Lechien on the gardens of Cirey-sur-Blaise, desired by Emilie du Châtelet and François-Marie Arouet, known as Voltaire. Conference organised within the context of the cycle of conferences devoted to “Emilie du Châtelet”, who lived part of her life and died in Lunéville. Talented in many fields, she left her mark on the area’s history.

Salon des Halles
Place Léopold
54 300 Lunéville
