- Other events
Communs et paysage – Lieux, pratiques, projets – Paris (France)
Common goods and landscape – Sites, practices, projects
Pour une philosophie politique du jardinage (Towards a philosophical policy for gardening) by Joëlle Zask, University of Provence Aix-Marseille
This seminar is co-organised by the EhGO (Epistemology and history of geography, UMR (Joint Research Unit) ‘Geography-Cities’), the GGH-Terres (Geography and history of territories group, EHESS) and the LAREP (ENSP Versailles research laboratory in landscape projects).
Contact : Alexis Pernet – a.pernet@ecole-paysage.fr
esc. B, 2ème étage, salle7
105 boulevard Raspail
75 006 Paris