Gertrude Jekyll: An Artist’s Eye – Taunton (United Kingdom)

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Gertrude Jekyll: An Artist’s Eye – Taunton (United Kingdom)

This year marks the 175th birthday of extraordinary garden designer Gertrude Jekyll. Her collaboration with renowned architect Edwin Lutyens at Hestercombe, on his only garden commission, is arguably the greatest example of their work. Gertrude Jekyll (1843-1932) was a multi-talented artist, craftswoman, writer, photographer, nurserywoman and garden designer. To celebrate the work of Getrude Jekyll, Hestercombe is hosting an exhibition that gives a personal insight into the extraordinary and wide ranging skills of this artist and designer. Gertrude Jekyll: An Artist’s Eye presents original paintings of her gardens and the images she captured through drawings she made and photographs she took. The original desk she worked at is featured alongside vases she designed, the plans she drew and the books she published.

Hestercombe Gardens
Cheddon Fitzpaine