Femmes de lettres et jardins. Romancières, épistolières et poètes comme guides et créatrices au jardin by Bénédicte DUTHION – Archives du Calvados

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Femmes de lettres et jardins. Romancières, épistolières et poètes comme guides et créatrices au jardin by Bénédicte DUTHION – Archives du Calvados

Women of letters and gardens. Novelists, writers and poets as garden guides and creators

In 2019, the colloquium entitled, Jardin & Littérature (Garden and Literature), organised in partnership with the European Institute for Gardens & Landscapes and the Normandy Regional Council, presented – among twenty selected authors – only 3 female artists, George Sand (1804 – 1876), Colette (1873 – 1954) and Marguerite Yourcenar (1903 – 1987). None of these women had any particular association with Normandy, whilst the opposite can be said of several illustrious authors, Gustave Flaubert and Roger Martin dy Gard among them, whose portraits were highlighted on this occasion and in the published colloquium proceedings. The conference will therefore propose an analysis of the garden, both in the process of writing and in the lives of the women of letters who, in the 19th and 20th centuries, lived in Normandy and in other French and European regions, England in particular.

Bénédicte Duthion

Bénédicte Duthion is a member of the European Institute for Gardens & Landscapes’ scientific committee and works as a researcher at the Normandy Regional Council’s Heritage & Inventory department. A doctor in modern literature, she is also an associate member of the University of Rouen – Normandy’s CÉRÉdI laboratory and presides over the La Normandie littéraire network.