9ème Journées doctorales en paysage : héritages, actualités et devenirs de la recherche en paysage – Bordeaux, Pessac, Talence (France)
9th Doctoral conference on landscape: legacies, latest news and the future of landscape research
Held in the year that marks the 30th anniversary of the French law on landscape, the 9th edition of this conference proposes to study contemporary issues and challenges pertaining to landscape research.
It aims, in particular, to engage reflection on the solutions that landscape and projects in the field can offer to the challenges brought by the eco-climatic, spatial and socio-cultural transformations currently facing our societies and territories, in a time of global change.
It will therefore place priority on research work that contributes – thanks to experimentation, methodological proposals, practical and technical innovations, or provision of fundamental knowledge – towards clarifying how to renew the structure and the aims of our contemporary action towards landscape.
Based on such research, the aim is to generate new ideas and new trends, by combining academic disciplines with professional practice, and by associating researchers and lecturers from various establishments with other institutions working in the field of landscape and landscaping projects.
The doctoral conference on landscape has been organised since 2008 under the aegis of the French Ministry of the Environment – today’s Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion (MTECT).