Champ-de-Bataille, renaissance d’un jardin historique by Yves LESCROART – Château de Bénouville

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Champ-de-Bataille, renaissance d’un jardin historique by Yves LESCROART – Château de Bénouville

Champ-de-Bataille, rebirth of a historic garden

The park and gardens of the Château de Champ-de-Bataille are today among the most prestigious, thanks to the ambitious project launched by Jacques Garcia, who acquired the estate in 1993. At the time there was neither garden nor park and their protection as Historic Monuments was limited to the vast panorama overlooking Le Neubourg. Twenty years later, it is worth recalling the scientific and technical enterprise that offered the historic gardens at Champ-de-Bataille a new lease of life under the impetus of their owner and in association with the French Historic Monuments department. This restoration campaign preceded Jacque Garcia’s ambitious creation which now stretches across the vast estate.

Yves Lescroart


Art historian and one of Louis Grodecki’s students at the Paris-Sorbonne Institute of Art and Archaeology. He worked as regional curator of historic monuments in Normandy – in Caen then in Rouen – from 1976 to 2001. In this capacity, he acted as contracting authority for the restoration of the majority of the region’s major monuments – in particular Rouen Cathedral and archbishop’s palace – coordinating work by the scientific committee implemented to monitor the campaign. As General Inspector for the Historic Monuments department, he was later in charge of the regions of Alsace, Lorraine and Franche-Comté, then Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Centre, Lower Normandy and Champagne Ardenne.