Da paisagem ao jardim na cultura portuguesa – Lisbon (Portugal)

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Da paisagem ao jardim na cultura portuguesa – Lisbon (Portugal)

From landscape to garden in Portuguese culture

A journey through the art and culture of gardens
By travelling through history via the origins of gardens towards the gardens of the future, the landscape architect Aurora Carapinha invites us to delve into the world of gardens, of their meaning and their role in culture and society. This voyage includes garden art, the history of garden art, garden projects and garden design. The above fields, and many more, offer tools to study and analyse gardens in all their cultural, ecological, artistic, anthropological and philosophical dimensions.
Based on the different scientific disciplines that analyse this human construction, this talk proposes to reflect and to debate on the variables and invariables of gardens – those that define their very essence, in time and space, and that transform a space into a garden, in the act of its design and its construction and in the determining features of its experience.

  • 8th January : The roots of the garden in Portuguese culture – matter, time and space
  • 19th February : The water that designs the garden
  • 12th March : The constance of the garden in the inconstancy of time and space
  • 9th April : The Portuguese garden in other geographic contexts
  • 15th May : The Portuguese garden for a regeneration of the landscape


Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Av. de Berna, 45A
1067-001 Lisboa