Eeuwige Lente. Tuinen en Wandtapijten in de Renaissance – Mechelen (Belgium)

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Eeuwige Lente. Tuinen en Wandtapijten in de Renaissance – Mechelen (Belgium)

Eternal Spring. Gardens and Tapestries in the Renaissance
The exhibition Eternal Spring is built around an extraordinary series of tapestries that adorned the Brussels palace of Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle five centuries ago. The tapestries, today part of the collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, form an allegorical garden that echoes the fascination with antiquity and the ideals of the Renaissance.
The gardens are a reflection of the viewer looking at them and explore the profound relationship between man and nature. How deep is the human desire to shape the natural world? And to what extent do we continue to see nature as a makeable setting? Like a living masterpiece, the renovated gardens of Museum Hof van Busleyden intertwine the exhibition with the outside world.

Museum Hof van Busleyden
Frederik de Merodestraat 65
2800 Mechelen