Patrimonio de jardines en Asturias – Catalogación de jardines en Asturias y su declaración como históricos por el gobierno del principado – Oviedo (Spain)

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Patrimonio de jardines en Asturias – Catalogación de jardines en Asturias y su declaración como históricos por el gobierno del principado – Oviedo (Spain)

Second conference in the series Patrimonio des jardines en Asturias, coordinated by José Valdeón Menéndez.
In response to a request from the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Culture of the Principality of Asturias commissioned a detailed inventory of areas that could be declared ‘historic gardens’.
Rodrígo Álvarez Brech, doctor of geography and author of the inventory, obtained his doctorate in geography with a thesis in which he listed more than 500 landscaped areas in Asturias.

Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos
Plaza de Porlier, n°9, 1º
33003, Oviedo