La place du végétal dans l’image de marque et l’identité des grands projets d’aménagement by Thierry HUAU – Château de Bénouville

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La place du végétal dans l’image de marque et l’identité des grands projets d’aménagement by Thierry HUAU – Château de Bénouville

The role of plant life in the image and identity of major development projects

Boasting extensive experience from across the globe, Interscène, spurred by its founder Thierry Huau, is keen to share its specific and quite unique vision on the importance of plant life, in particular the role it plays in giving identity and strength to development projects.

Thierry Huau


Thierry Huau is a DPLG certified landscape architect and urban planner. He is also the founder of the Interscène consultancy in Paris (founded in 1985) and of its subsidiary in Marrakech (founded in 2010). He advocates a shared garden, employing his passion for plants as a gateway towards all types of development projects. He is responsible for the heritage protection and development of a number of natural and urban sites in France, Madagascar, the Lebanon, Vietnam, Martinique, Mauritius… He considers landscape design as a natural process that emerges through a decidedly transversal approach. Highly sensitive to the history and unique culture of each site, he places heritage at the heart of his projects, via an emphatically modern approach. Winner of the TERRA BOTANICA international contest launched by the Maine et Loire council in 2000, he was later appointed artistic director, landscaper, master planner and scenographer for one of Europe’s largest botanical gardens, the doors of which were opened in 2010 and which was recently awarded the Victoires du Paysages 2012, prize in the La Botanique au cœur du jardin (botanics at the heart of the garden) category. This green-fingered globetrotter has also contributed towards the creation of eco-districts and a number of estates in Picardie, Lorraine, Sologne, Normandy, the Pays Basque and on the Côte d’Azur, in New Zealand, Australia, the Middle East and Morocco. Firmly established on the green wave, he is currently artistic and conceptual director for the Villages Nature project, a genuine experimental Ecopolys. Concurrently, Thierry Huau is also working on his beloved soil in Giverny to give birth to “La Capucine”, a fabulous workshop-boutique concept exclusively devoted to conviviality, exchange and plants. Consultant and plant life scenographer of the exceptional L’Art du Jardin show at the Grand Palais in 2013 and international conference speaker, Thierry Huau constantly strives to increase the awareness of both the public and local councillors on the importance of plant life in towns and cities…

Further reading:
Terra Botanica, Connaissance et mémoires, 2010