A place dedicated to the art of garden in Europe

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Presentation of the Institute and its missions

A site devoted to the Art of garden in Europe

Born in 2013 from a partnership between the Fondation des Parcs et Jardins de France (French Foundation of Parks and Gardens), the Calvados Council and the MRSH (Caen University Research Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences), the Institut Européen des Jardins & Paysages (IEJP) is a European venue for encounters and a documentation centre, of equal interest to garden specialists, amateurs and the general public. The IEJP also benefitted from support for its creation from the French Ministry of Culture, via the Normandy Regional Cultural Affairs Directorate (DRAC).

The Institute is housed within the Château de Bénouville, which is the property of the Calvados Council.

Thanks to its Digital Inventories project, the Institute contributes towards the valorisation of archives and of all other sources and data associated with gardens and landscapes. It accomplishes this mission in partnership with the Caen University Digital Document Centre.

The Institut Européen des Jardins & Paysages also owns a collection of reference documents, including European books and magazines which can be consulted on site.

Conferences, colloquiums, exhibitions and other events further contribute towards the organisation of the Institut’s intellectual and cultural action.


The Institut des Jardins & Paysages is looking for volunteers to contribute towards enriching the French inventory on parks and gardens.

The proposed mission consists in collecting information out in the field, and in meeting with garden owners in order to complete and update the data held within the inventory which is accessible on line, by means of the following provided tools:

For further information, you may write to contact@iejp.eu or call +33(0)6 15 52 49 87.

Support the Institute

In order not only to continue its action, which is free and open to all, but also to develop new projects, the Institute needs support and has launched a call for donations.

Contributions will enable it to develop new projects and to maintain the gratuity of all its activities.

Donations can be made:

  • By e-secure payment via this link.
  • By cheque payable to ‘IEJP’ or by bank transfer by means of the donation form.

In France, each donation can benefit from tax exemption equal to 66% its total amount and a tax receipt will be forwarded to each donator.
