Les paysages culturels vivants au défi du tourisme – Paris (France)
The Unesco Chair on “Culture, Tourism, Development” launched by the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne / IREST – EIREST is organising, in partnership with the Unesco World Heritage Centre, the France-Unesco Convention, the Association des Biens Français au Patrimoine Mondial and ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites), its 6th seminar on the theme : Living cultural landscapes and the challenge of tourism.
The areas covered by cultural landscapes pose the question of the tourist destination in a complex manner: the coherence of the perimeter registered as world heritage does not necessarily benefit from overall exposure as a destination upon its registration.
This seminar will deal with a number of questions, via several examples of living cultural landscapes in France and elsewhere. During the first session, particular attention will be paid to wine-related and vineyard landscapes, which are emblematically representative of the question of creating oenotourist destinations in line with Unesco perimeters and of the relationship between production landscapes and tourist consumption. The afternoon session will aim at developing these questions to cover all types of cultural landscape.
Programme in English
Programme in French
Prior registration is mandatory : maria.gravaribarbas@wanadoo.fr and sebastien.jacquot@univ-paris1.fr