Colloque sur les bioagresseurs du buis – Tours (France)

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Colloque sur les bioagresseurs du buis – Tours (France)

Colloquium on boxwood bioaggressors

Boxwood bioaggressors are a genuine risk for gardens and the world heritage that is comprised of this emblematic plant present in castle gardens and heritage parks. Used for centuries to adorn Japanese or French formal gardens, boxwood is a highly characteristic feature of castle gardens and heritage parks.  Boxwood bioaggressors are a threat to world heritage gardens for they equally attack planted boxwood and wild boxwood present in forests and in certain natural areas.

Aware of the cultural importance of boxwood, the AFPP has decided to organise this international colloquium by focusing on three themes:
– Presentation of an overview of all sanitary issues that concern boxwood,
– Review of current knowledge on two of the main threats to boxwood (box tree moth and decline/withering diseases).
– Inventory of available and potential preventive/curative measures.

Organised by the French Association for Plant Protection (AFPP), in partnership with the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA).

Programme – Registration

Renseignements : + 33 (0)1 41 79 19 80 –