La ville verte où l’éloge du végétal … par Thierry HUAU – Caen (France)
Green towns or a eulogy to plant life…
Green washing – an identity accelerator or a societal challenge? Plants offers us the answers to some of the major issues that challenge our modern society.
– How to invest in brand image and identity to increase performance
– How to generate a global and interdisciplinary vision between, environment, urban landscaping and urban architecture towards harmonious ecological transition.
Faced with climate change
Faced with wars
Faced with pollution
Faced with urban overpopulation
Faced with urban violence…
Thierry Huau
The landscaper and urban planner Thierry Huau will be approaching all these questions over a journey through his experience as a green-fingered globetrotter.
An ENSP Versailles graduate, Thierry Huau is an architect, landscaper, urban planner, ethnobotanist and designer of a number of national and international projects, from Paris to Antananarivo, from Marrakesh to Hanoi, or from Beirut to Shanghai. Solidly attached to his green vocation, his passion for plants and natural or built heritage serves major urban, property, tourism and social projects.