Le jardin-école de Montreuil recrée du lien par le jardinage urbain by Bernard LELIEVRE and Sylvie LIGNY – Nogent-sur-Marne (France
The Montreuil garden-school recreates links through urban gardening
The garden-school in Montreuil was initiated in 1921 by the ‘Association des arboriculteurs des murs à pêches’, which had developed intensive urban fruit production. The first purpose of the garden was to enable new techniques and fruit varieties to be tested, in order to best adapt to innovations. Concurrently, the museum was founded to house collections of professional gardening tools. The second purpose of the garden-school was to become a training site, both for staff – which led to the creation of a horticultural school, then horticulture profession and landscaping school in Montreuil – and for local inhabitants. The garden-school and museum – today referred to as the Musée des Murs-à-pêches, are now managed by amateur gardeners. They perpetuate the site’s original vocation of transmission, education and promotion of the species grown in towns, with the town’s inhabitants and school pupils. They organise pruning, grafting and planting workshops throughout the garden’s 7,000m2, as well as tours of the museum.
Conference organised on the occasion of the La banlieue côté jardin (garden suburbs) exhibition.
In partnership with the Parcs et Jardins 94 association and the MJC (youth club) in Nogent-sur-Marne.
Further information and booking at the museum, by email musee-intercommunal-nogentsurmarne@pemb.fr or telephone: +33(0)1 48 75 51 25
Musée intercommunal de Nogent-sur-Marne
36 boulevard Gallieni
94130 Nogent-sur-Marne