André Boubounelle ou l’art du paysage – Châtenay-Malabry (France)

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André Boubounelle ou l’art du paysage – Châtenay-Malabry (France)

André Boubounelle and the art of landscape

In these times when common practice often neglects the pictorial and figurative dimension, André Boubounelle creates landscapes freely inspired by the classical traditions of Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes and Corot. Whether bright or hazy, his melancholic landscapes are imbued with delicate poetry. In line with Chateaubriand, Boubounelle transcribes man’s universal experience with nature, proffering his landscapes with intense emotion that is rare to such settings: immersed, the spectator strolls through familiar landscapes, from the snowy banks of the Seine, to the sun-kissed Vexin area, via the Rambouillet forest.


Domaine Départemental de la Vallée aux Loups – Maison de Chateaubriand
87 rue de Châteaubriand
92 290 Châtenay-Malabry