Le Jardin de la Renaissance entre arts et sciences – Ainay-le-Vieil (France)

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Le Jardin de la Renaissance entre arts et sciences – Ainay-le-Vieil (France)

The Renaissance Garden, from art to science

A unique initiative in the south of the Centre-Val de Loire-Berry region, this colloquium aims at highlighting Renaissance gardens, within the splendid setting of the Château d’Ainay-le-Vieil, a fine example of the period boasting typical architectural features and water gardens. The event will focus on the transversality of Renaissance gardens in the Centre-Val de Loire region, and the multitude of forms of artistic expression that emerge from them.
Organised on the occasion of Viva Leonardo da Vinci 2019 (All the wonders of Renaissance), in partnership with the Centre d’Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance (Centre for Renaissance studies) in Tours, the regional Intelligence des Patrimoines (Heritage Intelligence) programme and Michael Jakob, a professor at the HEPIA (Geneva School of Landscape, Engineering and Architecture) and the University of Grenoble.



Château d’Ainay-le-Vieil
rue de Drevant
18 200 Ainay-le-Vieil