Suolo come paesaggio – Treviso (Italy)

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Suolo come paesaggio – Treviso (Italy)

Nature, crossings and immersions, new topographies

International Landscape Study Days – 16th edition
Soil “and” landscape: an apparently simple, predictable combination. However, the growing interest in the topic of landurges further investigation, which will be pursued in the study days by dealing with soil “as” a landscape. Soil is commonly dealt with, and rightly so, in terms of consumption, by taking only quantitative data into account and referring to the multifold forms of land impoverishment carried out by society in recent times. However, we seldom focus on the very nature of soil in its various environmental, ecological, aesthetic and social aspects. Hence, during the study days, soil will be regarded as the connective tissue, nourishment and vital process of our life experiences. After all, the essence of inhabited places and the very meaning of our belonging to the landscape lie precisely on soil.
The simultaneous translation service into Italian and English will be provided. The Landscape Study Days will be available via streaming.
