- Symposium
Restauration, restitution et recréation d’un jardin – Chambord (France)
Restoration, restitution and recreation of a garden
In France, as in China, garden art is at the heart of a traditional cultural landscape. In a shared sense, the garden is a place for meditation, contemplation and wanderings. But it is also an artistic creation aimed at magnifying an architectural ensemble or at glorifying its creator. Preserving the philosophy of gardens, age-old creation and maintenance methods, and historic gardens themselves, is perceived by our contemporaries as a priority aim. However, what solutions can we envisage when such gardens only exist in the form of an outline or a memory. Should we opt for reinterpreting forgotten gardens via absolute restitution or via an evocative contemporary creation? To what extent must we adapt to present-day challenges relating to tourism and sustainable development? This one-day conference offers an opportunity to confront viewpoints on recent experiences of historic garden recomposition in both countries.
Domaine national de Chambord
Château de Chambord
41 250 Chambord
Contact : info@chambord.org